Rookie Riders Program

This program is designed to introduce young children to the amazing experience of equestrian life and horseback riding in a safe, supportive and fun environment.

Please note, this program prepares riders for riding in the future. Participants will not ride horses during the program.

There are two levels. Each program has up to10 participants and encourages riders to work in groups. Each lesson is 1 hour and lessons run for 8-weeks.


The Rookie Riders Program is a safe and fun introduction to riding skills, horses and horsemanship. Riding and gymnastic activities will help develop the skills required for equestrian sport.

The program aims to introduce, reinforce and slowly build upon movement skills required for long-term equestrian and athletic development.

The program engages students physically, mentally and socially. Students will learn about horses and how to safely interact with them.

FUNdamental Sport skills include:

  • learning and changing into a variety of positions and holds while mounted safely on a barrel (before actual horseback riding)
  • safely mounting and dismounting a horse
  • developing the ability to maintain balance, in a relaxed position, with proper posture, on a horse.


LEVEL 1 – Available to students 4 to 10 years old. These participants are preparing to learn to ride. Riding equipment eg. helmet and boots, are not required for this level.

LEVEL 2 – Available to students 7-years old and over. The goal of this level is for participants to acquire the skills to mount and dismount a horse. Riding equipment eg. helmet, gloves, boots are required for this level.


Each program includes weekly 1-hour sessions, for eight weeks.

Please contact us for current fees. Thank you!